> Board of TTAF

Board of TTAF

The Board of TTAF consists of four people. The projects are managed by project managers on location, the coordination of this is in the hand of the project coordinators. The organization is supported and advised by a team of specialists.

The Board meets at least four times a year, usually in the presence of the project coordinators. The project coordinators consults and meets regularly with the project managers. Twice a year there is consultation of the Board with the project coordinators and the project managers.

At least twice a year, a delegation of TTAF visits the projects.


Albert Fieret, chairman albert.fieret@ttaf.org | +31 (0)6 2649 4818

Cathrien Brauw, board member cathrien.debrauw@ttaf.org | +31 (0)6 5396 2786

Henk Vergunst, board member henk.vergunst@ttaf.org 

Herman Koudijs, treasurer herman.koudijs@ttaf.org



Primary and secondary posts of directors

Within the framework of the ANBI requirements and the CBF quality mark, the main and other positions of the board members are listed below: 

  • Albert Fieret RA RB: director/owner JonkerFieret advisors/accountants B.V., member of the board of Stichting Africa eHealth Solutions 
  • Cathrien de Brauw: founder and director of the Transparent Integration Office
  • Dr. Henk Vergunst: urologist at the CWZ in Nijmegen, board member of Stichting Africa eHealth Solutions, member of the Supervisory Board of Hospice de Olijftak 


Project managers in Ethiopia

Ayano Burka ayano.burka@ttaf.org
Zenebe Ayele zenebe.ayele@ttaf.org

Meseret Baye (for microcrediting)


Project coordinators

Eline Zomer eline.zomer@ttaf.org
Dirk Thienpont dirk.thienpont@ttaf.org


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